Resources ========= .. role:: py(code) :language: c++ :class: highlight All resources which are specific to a computing environment like host or device are contained within, and managed by, `raft::resources`. This design simplifies the APIs and eases user burden by making the APIs opaque by default but allowing customization based on user preference. Vocabulary ---------- ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_types :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: Device Resources ---------------- `raft::device_resources` is a convenience over using `raft::resources` directly. It provides accessor methods to retrieve resources such as the CUDA stream, stream pool, and handles to the various CUDA math libraries like cuBLAS and cuSOLVER. ``#include `` namespace *raft::core* .. doxygenclass:: raft::device_resources :project: RAFT :members: Device Resources Manager ------------------------ While `raft::device_resources` provides a convenient way to access device-related resources for a sequence of RAFT calls, it is sometimes useful to be able to limit those resources across an entire application. For instance, in highly multi-threaded applications, it can be helpful to limit the total number of streams rather than relying on the default stream per thread. `raft::device_resources_manager` offers a way to access `raft::device_resources` instances that draw from a limited pool of underlying device resources. ``#include `` namespace *raft::core* .. doxygenclass:: raft::device_resources_manager :project: RAFT :members: Resource Functions ------------------ Comms ~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_comms :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: cuBLAS Handle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_cublas :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: CUDA Stream ~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_cuda_stream :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: CUDA Stream Pool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_stream_pool :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: cuSolverDn Handle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_cusolver_dn :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: cuSolverSp Handle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_cusolver_sp :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: cuSparse Handle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_cusparse :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: Device ID ~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_device_id :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: Device Memory Resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: device_memory_resource :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: Device Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_device_props :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: Sub Communicators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_sub_comms :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: Thrust Exec Policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``#include `` namespace *raft::resource* .. doxygengroup:: resource_thrust_policy :project: RAFT :members: :content-only: