class | cudf::column |
| A container of nullable device data as a column of elements. More...
class | cudf::column_device_view |
| An immutable, non-owning view of device data as a column of elements that is trivially copyable and usable in CUDA device code. More...
class | cudf::mutable_column_device_view |
| A mutable, non-owning view of device data as a column of elements that is trivially copyable and usable in CUDA device code. More...
class | cudf::column_view |
| A non-owning, immutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as indicated by a bitmask. More...
class | cudf::mutable_column_view |
| A non-owning, mutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as indicated by a bitmask. More...