
Weakly Connected Components#

cugraph_error_code_t cugraph_weakly_connected_components(const cugraph_resource_handle_t *handle, cugraph_graph_t *graph, bool_t do_expensive_check, cugraph_labeling_result_t **result, cugraph_error_t **error)#

Labels each vertex in the input graph with its (weakly-connected-)component ID.

The input graph must be symmetric. Component IDs can be arbitrary integers (they can be non-consecutive and are not ordered by component size or any other criterion).

  • handle[in] Handle for accessing resources

  • graph[in] Pointer to graph

  • do_expensive_check[in] A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).

  • result[out] Opaque pointer to labeling results

  • error[out] Pointer to an error object storing details of any error. Will be populated if error code is not CUGRAPH_SUCCESS

Strongly Connected Components#

cugraph_error_code_t cugraph_strongly_connected_components(const cugraph_resource_handle_t *handle, cugraph_graph_t *graph, bool_t do_expensive_check, cugraph_labeling_result_t **result, cugraph_error_t **error)#

Labels each vertex in the input graph with its (strongly-connected-)component ID.

The input graph may be asymmetric. Component IDs can be arbitrary integers (they can be non-consecutive and are not ordered by component size or any other criterion).

  • handle[in] Handle for accessing resources

  • graph[in] Pointer to graph

  • do_expensive_check[in] A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).

  • result[out] Opaque pointer to labeling results

  • error[out] Pointer to an error object storing details of any error. Will be populated if error code is not CUGRAPH_SUCCESS


cugraph_type_erased_device_array_view_t *cugraph_labeling_result_get_vertices(cugraph_labeling_result_t *result)#

Get the vertex ids from the labeling result.


result[in] The result from a labeling algorithm


type erased array of vertex ids

cugraph_type_erased_device_array_view_t *cugraph_labeling_result_get_labels(cugraph_labeling_result_t *result)#

Get the label values from the labeling result.


result[in] The result from a labeling algorithm


type erased array of label values

void cugraph_labeling_result_free(cugraph_labeling_result_t *result)#

Free labeling result.


result[in] The result from a labeling algorithm